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Wij hopen dat jullie er even enthousisast uitkijken naar jullie verblijf in onze mooie loft als wij.  We maken het voor jullie helemaal knus en gezellig ...
16/05/2024 , 0
Upon arrival Before your arrival we have don profound cleaning of the entire accommodation.   Upon arrival please check your accommodation and let us know in ...
22/02/2024 , 0
Hey!Not FORGETTING something? LIGHTS off ?HEATING off ?WATERTAP closed ?WINDOWS closed OK !Then You’re Ready to go THANK YOU ! Image by on Freepik ...
16/02/2024 , 0
Arriving to Antwerp by Car When arriving to Antwerp by care there’s a few things to take into account: LEZ (low emission zone) is applicable  ...
14/02/2024 , 0
Operational from 16 – 22 pm JACUZZI & bathroom INSTRUCTIONS Due to problems or accidents  in the past while using the jacuzzi during nightly hours ...
04/02/2024 , 0
SAUNA INSTRUCTIONS Operational from 16 – 22 pm Due to problems or accidents  in the past while using the sauna during nightly hours same as ...
04/02/2024 , 0
Smart TV
How to turn on the smart TV There is smart Tv available in your accommodation Use the main remote to turn on the tv with ...
04/02/2024 , 0
Turn on/off the Heating
Adjust your heating settings easily with our user-friendly thermostat. ...
04/02/2024 , 0
There is free WIFI available in your accommodation.   Connect to LovedAntwerpGuestThe password is available in the accommodation and can be found next to the red ...
04/02/2024 , 0
Entering with the Smart Lock
Follow these steps to access your accommodation. ...
04/02/2024 , 0